*UPDATE, September 2022*
After consulting with a handful of our trusted clients, we have lifted all of our covid protocols aside from our entire staff being vaccinated. If we see seasonal covid spikes, we will begin masking up again, but for now, our clients can see our faces again!
*UPDATE, December, 2021*
We hope that everyone is doing well and has stayed healthy through these bizarre times. As we ease back into things, we want to make sure that we do everything possible to keep our clients, staff and community safe. We have spent time working out the best way to do things now that we will need to maintain a bit more distance from our clients in the studio.
All of our staff has been fully vaccinated and boosted, we will not be requiring vaccination proof from any of our clients though we will continue to mask up any time we are interacting with our clients.
Not only will we be wearing our masks any time we are interacting with clients, we will also have extra masks on hand if they do not have one with them and wish to wear one at any time during the process – though we highly recommend they take the mask off for their headshot.
Lots of Hand Sanitizer
Immediately upon entering the studio our clients will have access to a clean, sanitized changing room with running water, soap and hand sanitizer on the counter. We have also started to build up a supply of Purell to keep around the studio and will have dispensers of it everywhere. From the moment a client walks in, until they walk out, they will have hand sanitizer within arms reach.
Check List Prior To Entering Studio
Normally on set we are constantly making tweaks and helping adjust clothing and hair. We are compiling a check list of the top issues and will be going into a little extra detail to share with our clients. This will help keep everyone looking their best and being even more prepared than usual. In addition we will be mounting a mirror on a rotating stand so that we can show them little things while on set, but from a distance.
Clean and Sanitized
We will be building in a 30 minute buffer between studio sessions. This will allow us the time to clean all of the surfaces in our space. This will also minimize the risk of having anyone needing to wait before their scheduled session.
Bring Your Own Supplies
Our recommended list of things for people to bring in during this time includes:
Hair Product
Makeup – powder and lipstick
Blow Dryer
We will offer a limited supply of one time use combs, brushes, hair spray, lint rollers and other essentials in our dressing room.
Location Work Is Available
We understand that people will be trying to avoid movement throughout the city, we are still available to come to your offices if you would prefer us to set up a studio in a conference room or if you’re company is in need of new CEO Portraits. This will keep everyone in the building and help minimize contact with anyone outside. This is often the best and most efficient way to manage having a large number of individuals photographed in a tight timeline. Our normal additional location fees will be required for this.
Makeup Artist
For our clients that prefer to utilize the services of one of our makeup professionals, we have consulted with them for their recommendations. They will be wearing masks and gloves. They will also be using disposable lip brushes and mascara wands along with one time use makeup brushes. Makeup kits and areas will be sanitized after each use. Of course, you are welcome to bring your own personal makeup and brushes, if you prefer. We can also put you in touch with our makeup artist to further discuss your needs and concerns prior to the shoot date.
If you have any questions, thoughts, comments, etc. PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask. We look forward to working with all of our clients again but safety is most important for us and you.
Portrait Session Check List
- Check jewelry, watches, earrings, necklaces, pocket squares, etc. Simpler is better. Check for symmetry.
- Clean eyeglasses
- Brush off shoulders for lint or dust
- Blow nose
- Check for any food particles on teeth
- Dab perspiration from forehead
- Adjust makeup. Use powder to minimize any shine. Reapply lipstick.
- Tuck in your shirt/ blouse. Push any excess fabric to the back to minimize extra fabric/ wrinkles in the front.
- For other tops, straighten symmetry of shirt neckline
- For ties, straighten and tighten knot as necessary. Make sure it lays symmetrically when coat is buttoned.
- For suit coats, button the top button (for two button suits) or middle button (for three button suits)
- Check your hair, particularly the shape and how it falls on your forehead and shoulders
- Most of all – RELAX and SMILE!
If you’re ready to come in for a portrait, please let us know!