Event Photographer nyc
From boardrooms and ballrooms to stadiums and the street, we’ve worked them all. We know the best angles and we know how to anticipate the moments that make lasting memories. With a professional eye that can visualize any story, we deliver images that always meet if not exceed our clients’ expectations. Anywhere and anytime, our photographers can capture the image you want and deliver the attention you need. Images can be processed immediately, for display during the event, or we can have our retouchers spend some time with them and produce a truly flawless product. For more of our photography, check out our corporate photography and headshots!
The first thing we do upon arrival at any corporate event is to get our gear out and photograph the space empty. Our photographers always ensure they are in the space 30 minutes before the guests are set to arrive to document the beautiful layout, the branding, the room, decor, flowers food and bars. Not only will this be nice to have to show people the fabulous job that you did planning the event, but it will also be nice to review when you have to pull together a similar event in the future. An easy way to remember what works and what doesn’t.
It goes without saying that the photographer should cover any formal parts of the event, any time someone has a mic in their hand or is the focus of the attention. If there is a panel of speakers, we try to get multiple different angles, this way if each plan to use an image on social media there is a variety to choose from rather than just the right side of everyones face or one overall shot. In addition to the candids of the discussion, a group photo of the speakers at the end is always a nice catch. This could be used for social media, a press release or simply sent along to the group as a memento.
One of the best ways to show how great your event was is to get an overall shot of the room. Some event spaces in New York City lend themselves to this a lot more than others, but anything where you can show a crowd or full house is always a win. If there is a catwalk or balcony, our photographers always see if they can gain access to it by checking with the venue, that is where the most impressive room shots are made from.
The word “candid” is thrown around very loosely when doing corporate event photography. It means a few different things, of course it means to catch the natural interactions and connections that are happening through the evening, but for many it also means to pull people together for quick semi formal shots as small groups. These photos can be beneficial in the future if maybe you can’t remember exactly who it was you were speaking with the night before, or during times of promotion or retirement.
A must do for any corporate event photographer is to meet with who ever is running the show that evening and have them point out the VIPs. We know they are people too, and make sure we do not annoy or over shoot them, but without knowing who they are they might get lost in the crowd. I like to let the event get a little busier before seeking them out, it gives them a bit of breathing room and also lets everyone get acclimated with the space, and then I try to follow them at a distance for a few minutes until I get a great photo of them interacting with a group – ensuring I have a great shot of them in case they duck out early and taking some of the focus off of them. I can then check the shot off of my list, though I will continue to keep an eye out for them throughout the evening in case they are mingling with some of the VIPs or in another larger group.
aThe main goal of having a corporate event is for it to be successful so that next year, you can do it all again and expand the network of your business and colleagues. Having great event photos is just one more way to promote it and remind people how good the event was, maybe it was the private wine tasting, or the tequila tasing at the Rainbow room. Corporate events are designed to facilitate networking, having a photographer there can give you additional resources to continue those networks once the evening is over.
To Share Photos With the VIPS!
Something we hear a lot of is that people might want to send out prints to some of the VIPs who attended the event(but lets be honest, they’re all VIPs.) Maybe it’s a former associate that someone hasn’t seen in a while, a photo together is a nice way to remember the connection. Having an event photographer that can both make that happen, but also be a fly on the wall can be beneficial in helping keep the networks and relationships flowing.
Social Media Use for Event Photos
More and more often we are asked for photos right away after an event for social media. Not only do our clients want to keep their media outlets up to date and as current as possible, it is also for the attendees or keynote speakers for the evening who want to self promote. Having a professional corporate event photographer on hand to facilitate there requests can act like a force multiplier for your event, company and promotion what you are doing.
Internal and External Promotion
Along with sharing with your Instagram or Facebook audience a LinkedIn post after the event you company blog and website could benefit from having engaging event photos to promote your brand. Maybe it is a press release after a shareholder or Board of Directors meeting, or the new class of partners or directors being promoted. Having nice photos are an excellent way to promote them in a time where face to face interactions seem to happen less and less.
Because YOU are Busy Running the Event!
Besides all of the above points, I bet you are running around the event trying to keep everything under control. The last thing you need is to be juggling a camera or iPhone along side everything else. Hiring a professional to photograph your event will be one less headache for you as a seasoned pro will know what they need to do with minimal instruction.
Our normal turnaround time for event photography is 3 business days, at this point you will receive a link to access and download the gallery of edited images. We do make an effort to make some images available sooner if they are needed for media, and if needed can rush the images so they are available on the same or next day. If there are any specific edits to be made we handle them on a case by case basis.