We have all seen the weirdly cropped photo from a cocktail hour as someones LinkedIn profile photo, is that you? Wouldn’t you rather impress all of your professional contacts with a photo that screams “I’m successful and I know it?” Well, have no fear, because we have 5 tips for taking a professional LinkedIn photo in NYC that will make you look like a boss (or at least someone who could be the boss).
1: Find a good background.
I’m not talking about the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. Sure, they’re iconic, but they’re also cliché. Instead, find a simple, uncluttered background that won’t distract from your charming smile. Our recommendation is a clean neutral background, you see a lot of white and grey out there for a reason. If you’d like to stand out from the crowd a little bit, a nice solid color is also a great option.
2: Dress appropriately.
I know you look great in your favorite t-shirt, and no one wears a tie to the office anymore, but save it for casual Fridays. Dress as you would for a job interview or a meeting with your most important client. Sure, if you work in tech, you can get away with most anything, but we find that in NYC business dress has stayed pretty conservative. If the person you answer to is wearing a tie, you probably should be too.
3: Smile with your eyes.
Smiling is important, but so is not looking like a serial killer. Practice smiling with your eyes so that you look approachable and friendly. Understandably if you are a white collar litigator, your look will be much different than someone in business development who is there to network and help originate business. If you aren’t sure what look suits you best, try a little bit of everything. Simply looking friendly has never hurt anyone.
4: Use natural light.
Fluorescent lighting is your worst enemy. It makes you look like a zombie who hasn’t slept in a week(granted, if you’re updating your LinkedIn photo and trying to lateral to a new company, you might not have the best work/life balance). Instead, use natural light to your advantage. Go outside or stand near a window.
5: Hire a professional.
Yes, it may cost you a a little more than you are anticipating, but think of it as an investment in your future. You’ll have a great headshot for LinkedIn and when that is the first impression a headhunter and hiring team has of you, you need to look like you care. A $500 investment here will be a drop in the bucket compared to the potential additional compensation you may find by simply looking the part.
So there you have it, 5 quick tips for taking a professional LinkedIn photo in NYC that will make you look like a pro (or at least someone who is trying really hard). Now go forth and conquer LinkedIn. And don’t forget to hashtag #blessed on all of your posts.